Installation and Setup Technical Support
- Windows XP (2000/WS 2003) reports error with 16-Bit Sub-System / Setup does not run
The Setup program currently remains a 16-bit application for support for Windows 3.x (schools, hand-me-down systems, etc.). Please note that Microsoft no longer supports Windows 3.x at all - please consider this. Windows NT/2000/XP allow 16-bit progrmas via a "Windows on Windows" (WOW layer) compatibility subsystem. Normally this is transparent to the user.
- This is related to the file AUTOEXEC.NT located in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder - it may be missing or corrupt.
- The best solution is to copy the file AUTOEXEC.NT from the \WINDOWS\REPAIR folder to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder. If you are familiar with Windows Explorer, simply locate the file AUTOEXEC.NT in \WINDOWS\REPAIR, then copy and paste into \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 (you may need to show files).
- To type the command directly:
- Start Menu | Run
- Type CMD, then click OK
- At the command prompt type COPY \WINDOWS\REPAIR\AUTOEXEC.NT \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32[Enter]
- Type EXIT[Enter]
- CONFIG.NT and COMMAND.COM can also cause this - For other information, see Microsoft's Knowledge Base Article 305521 and Article 324767.
- Supporting older versions of Windows - What a concept!
- Changing the Default Installation Location
The Setup program currently remains a 16-bit application for support for Windows 3.x. In general, this does not cause any problems or issues, but the following may be relevant to certain individuals:
- Changing the default install location will require a short (8:3) naming convention - a long file name (such as "\Program Files" will cause problems - use (after verifying) "\PROGRA~1")
- In NT/2000/XP, a Virtual Machine is used with WOW (Windows on Windows) compatibility - make sure any appropriate Windows Service Packs are installed
- Supporting older versions of Windows - What a concept!
- Software Setup (SETUP.EXE)
(NOTE: This has not been a common problem since Windows 98 SE, circa 1999)
There is a known compatibility issue with various video drivers when running our SETUP.EXE in certain resolutions / color depths. Any errors are related to an improper implementation with the driver's ability to perform the Windows API StretchBlt operation (GDI support). We apologize for any inconvenience, but this is NOT a problem with IMG software. If you experience any errors or difficulties while installing IMG software, we suggest you do one of the following:
- Obtain the most up-to-date driver from the manufacturer of your video adapter.
- Reduce (or change) the color depth / resolution of your video display and rerun SETUP.EXE (Display Properties | Settings)
- Change the video settings to the Standard VGA or Super VGA and rerun SETUP.EXE.

As seen in ...